Why You Can’t Be Complacent with the Safety of Your Employees and Office



Very few employers take the time out to learn about their employees’ psyche. That’s what separates the best employers from the mediocre ones. The best employers strive hard to make their workers happy. They have discovered the perfect balance between making a profit and compensating their employees. That’s what employees demand from every employer they have ever worked for. They want to feel physically and psychologically secure in their jobs.

Physical Safety

You should look into property security guard services for your office building. This is especially important if your office building is tucked away in some alley. You would want to protect your employees when they go out at night after a long day at work. The presence of a security guard will stop lurking criminals from making a move.

Inside the office, your employees should feel that you care about their overall well-being. You should invest in ergonomic office furniture that will prevent musculoskeletal injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, ligament sprain, and tension neck syndrome. These are all signs that you have been sitting for extended hours.

Other physical safety measures you should put in place are organizing the office so that there will be no incidents of falls or slips. You should also look into inspecting the office for mold, mildew, and other allergens. These could be a cause of respiratory problems that reduce the productivity of the staff.

Psychological Safety


Another thing that your employees need to feel safe about is in their status of employment. They want to be compensated well, but they also want to stay with a stable company. They want to know that your doors won’t close as easily as other fly-by-night businesses. They want to see you make investments that will benefit them and the company.

They should also be free to voice their concerns. The workplace should be an environment where employees will not feel embarrassed about speaking their minds. They shouldn’t be punished for voicing out their opinions.

Retaining Employees

If employees feel that they are safe in a stable company, they will most likely stay with you for a long time. Do you know that an organization spends thousands of dollars more by having to interview aspiring candidates? Do you know that when employees are happier and more satisfied, they are more productive? Thus, this saves the organization the aggravating journey of having to find new employees.

Protecting Business Assets

Investing in security guards and cameras will deter criminals from making your office a target of their activities. Business properties and assets are better protected from theft and vandals. This makes employees and clients feel safer when they are in your office. It doesn’t bode well for businesses to fall victim to criminals. This shows a lack of safety measures that might also endanger visiting clients.

Make a thorough assessment of your employees and their satisfaction with their jobs. It is good for an organization to listen to its employees. Doing so will help you strengthen the weak points and fill in the gaps in your company.

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